Empowering people to live well with dementia

Every 24 hours 10 more people develop dementia in Saskatchewan.

Living with dementia poses many challenges. For people affected by dementia, having an understanding of  what they face can make all the difference. The Alzheimer Society is dedicated to helping people build the knowledge, skills and confidence to live well with dementia.

We know that people affected by dementia who connect with the Alzheimer Society and our services have a profoundly better experience and quality of life than those who don’t.

Our programs and services are available free of charge to anyone affected by or living with dementia.

Programs and Services

The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan empowers individuals and families affected by dementia to live well.

We provide support and educational programs, along with our support groups. Our First Link program is a critically acclaimed service providing direct support to those affected.

We serve over 240 different Saskatchewan communities through our programs, services and support groups. Learn more by visiting our website.

“George and I are so grateful to the Alzheimer Society for the knowledge they have given us regarding the disease and for the opportunity to be part of support groups. Without the support groups, we would feel lost.” - Patti Schaan

Support and Advocacy

The Alzheimer Society is Saskatchewan’s leading non-profit providing support and programs to people affected by dementia.

The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan is working to make our province more dementia friendly. We have launched four major dementia friendly initiatives:  a Warning Signs campaign, a Dementia Friends program, a Dementia Friendly Communities initiative, and the Dementia Helpline. Learn more by visiting DementiaFriendlySaskatchewan.ca

We are committed to providing meaningful engagement for people with dementia in the work of the Society.  The Board of Directors approved a position statement on Meaningful Engagement and a Meaningful Engagement Policy and we have Leadership Groups for people with dementia and caregivers operating to help guide out work.


The Alzheimer Society funds innovative research efforts to find a cure and to improve the quality of life for those affected by dementia.

One of our major research partnership is with the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) and supporting the work of Dr. Mousseau, the Chair in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia at the University of Saskatchewan.

His major research focus is in determining what biochemical events are common to depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

We are committed to supporting research on both a provincial and national level. Your support makes that hope for tomorrow possible.


Accredited by Imagine Canada for excellence in nonprofit accountability, transparency and governance.


The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan

301 - 2550 12th Avenue Regina S4P 3X1

www.alzheimer.sk.ca  1-800-263-3367


Accredited by Imagine Canada for excellence in nonprofit accountability, transparency and governance.

Accredited by Imagine Canada for excellence in nonprofit accountability, transparency and governance.